Saumya Singh

R & D Associate Engineer - SHOKITECH INNOVATIONS LLP, Graduation - GHRCE Nagpur University

History of 3D Printing

Evolution of 3D Printing: Tracing the Technological Journey #3DPrintingEvolution, #3DPrintingOrigins, #TechnologyHistory, #DevelopmentHistory, #InnovationTimeline, #EarlyDays, #3DPioneers, #IndustryGrowth, #3DMilestones, #PrintingRevolution, #HistoricalPerspective, #Advancements, #AncientOrigins, #AdditiveManufacturing, #PastAndPresent, #HistoricalOverview, #JourneyThroughTime, #Innovations, #HistoricalSignificance, #ImpactOnIndustry, #ThroughoutHistory In our last blog we get to know about, what is 3D printing, the steps involved in 3D printing, what is an STL file, and we

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Computer Aided Design (CAD)


How it is Revolutionizing Engineering and Design Industries Engineering and design have undergone a revolution because of computer-aided design (CAD), which has significantly improved productivity, efficiency, and accuracy. In order to give a thorough understanding of CAD, this blog will examine its background, essential elements, advantages, and applications. We thoroughly investigate the numerous CAD software

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What is Tribology ?


Introduction Tribology is the study of the interactions between surfaces in relative motion. It encompasses the study of friction, lubrication, wear, and surface engineering. Engineers use tribology to design machines that are efficient, durable, and reliable, and to improve the performance of materials by altering their surface properties. It is a critical field for many

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What are Materials ?


Introduction Materials are the building blocks of our world, and they play a crucial role in shaping our daily lives. From the clothes we wear to the cars we drive, the materials used in these objects have a big impact on their performance and longevity. In this blog post, we will explore the different types

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What is Machining ?


Introduction Machining process comes under the subtractive manufacturing process, it is used for prototyping or manufacturing to create different desired shapes and sizes of parts (mainly metal parts), it is done by removing or cutting the part from the workpiece to shape it in a desired shape and size.  Relative motion between the tool and

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