Harmitsingh Vedi

CEO & Founder of Shokitech Innovations LLP , Post graduation in MTech CAD/CAM - GHRCE Nagpur University , Graduation in Mechanical Engineering - KITS College Nagpur University

Future of Prosthetic Hand


What is Prosthesis? A prosthesis replaces a physical component that may have been amputated, lost in an accident, or missing from birth. As part of their treatment for cancer, diabetes, or a severe illness, many amputees lost a limb.  Modern prostheses for the hands, feet, and face blend in quite nicely. More often than not, […]

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3D Printed Orthopedic Plaster

3D Printed Plaster

Orthopedic Plaster Cast In the general population, bone fractures can happen as a result of mechanical trauma or bone disorders. The majority of fracture patients have been treated with plaster or fiberglass casts. As they stabilize the mobility of anatomical components of the body, particularly the bones, orthopedic casts are frequently used to heal broken

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